Environmental Sustainability

Everyone's Responsibility

The average American is responsible for around 15 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions each year.

Between social media and late night pundits, we have all heard about emissions from private aircraft travel by celebrities and CEOs, but what steps is the average person taking to do their part?

Offset your emissions

Trees are still our best weapon to fight against greenhouse gas emissions. Envitree has partnered with small forest owners across the United States to provide voluntary CO2e offsets for consumers. 

Each consumer willing to offset their annual emissions provides forest owners with the resources to retain ownership of their forest in spite of the desires of land developers. Forest owners are required to work with foresters and auditors to develop a forest management plan that optimizes CO2e reduction and protects local wildlife.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about ways that we all can lower our carbon footprint and take better care of our shared environment.